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Searching For: 2663-2187

Autophagic processes of normal and malignant metabolic pathways

Autophagy is a cellular process that maintains the homeostasis of the normal cell, but autophagic dysfunction is associated with human…

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Population structure, fecundity and morphological characteristics of M. vollenhovenii (Herklots, 1857) on lower volta river basin channel, Ghana

Population structure, fecundity and morphological characteristics of M. vollenhovenii were studied around Lower Volta River, Ghana subject to dirt of…

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Comparative differential leucocyte count and morphometrical analyses of black rats Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758) and white rats Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769)

This paper aims at a systematic approach to morphologically characterize of five types of white blood cells (WBC), and its…

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Bacteriological quality of kunu-zaki sold on the streets of owerri metropolis, Nigeria

Kunu-zaki is a nourishing non-alcoholic beverage widely consumed in Nigeria. There is no standardized method for its preparation thus production…

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Comparative cytomorphometry of red blood cells of some fishes

This study aims to compare the size of the red blood cells of different freshwater fishes to gain knowledge of…

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Investigating genotoxicity of Eleusine indica by micronuclei assay in albino rats

Genotoxicity of Eleusine indica (Nkim enang: Efik) was investigated in the Wister strain albino rat (Rattus novergicus). Nine (9) male…

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Biological radiation

For a long time, the scientific community has been discussing whether living beings have specific biological radiation that is different…

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Pharmacological characteristics of a phyto steroidal food saponin: Diosgenin

Diosgenin, a plant derived steroidal saponin found most abundantly in legumes and yams. It has been used for the treatment…

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Quantum entanglement in theoretical physics as a new insight into cancer biology

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in theoretical physics that happens when pairs or groups of particles are generated in such…

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Views: 1

Variations of biomass and carbon contents in different traits and components of herbaceous species from tropical grassland

Grasslands play a critical role in the global storage of atmospheric carbon (C). Precise estimation of C contents in different…

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